Tango Hype Academy is composed of passionate individuals who share their love for dancing tango and never stop learning.
Every 2 months there are new spots for absolute beginners who can join. The classes are for all levels as the groups are mixed, so we develop the topic in accordance with the level of the participants. We encourage changing partners, asking questions, sharing ideas and music, practicing with everyone. There is a leading couple and assistants during the classes.
First class is free and we offer 50% discount for youngsters up to 27 years.
Tango lessons for beginners - Monday and Wednesday from 20:00
Tango lessons for beginners, level II - Monday and Wednesday from 21:00
Tango lessons for intermediate level - Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00
Tango nuevo lessons - Tuesday and Thursday from 21:00
Email: tangohype@gmail.com
Phone: 00359887782740